


Stone Cold recently said on the Austin Show podcast that he was getting back in shape for a comeback. This can only mean one thing, and that's business is about to pick up in WWE when he walks out the curtain.

Now one of the biggest Era's in pro wrestling history without question was the Attitude Era, and mostly all credit of this era goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin. He helped bring in that era with feuds against VInce Mcmahon, The Rock, Undertaker, HHH, and all the stars from that era.

One of the main reasons WCW went out of business was because of this man. He brought that attitude that WWF needed to bury their competition along with ECW as well. He's had a bigger pop from the crowd than any other wrestler and as Jim Ross has said he even got a bigger pop then Michael Jordan.

One of my all time favorite Austin moments was when he payed Vince McMahon a visit at the hospital. Here's a clip of that great moment.

Now who should face Stone Cold if he returns at Wrestlemania 31? I say that it would be a great time for Cm Punk to show up and challenge him, or have Stone Cold face former WCW champ Sting.

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