


That's right the Nature Boy Ric Flair will make his return tonight on Raw. What will happen when Flair 

comes to town tonight on Raw? Tune in tonight on the USA network to see what happens. 

Ric Flair was last seen on Raw right after John Cena's match with Brock Lesnar at Summerslam where Cena

 was dominated, and lost his WWE World heavyweight title. Flair on the night after Cena's loss told the 

world and two other legends Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michael's that  Cena has no chance of defeating 

Brock Lesnar in the rematch. And going back to that match as a quick recap Cena came close to winning 

the match until Seth Rollins interrupted and thus causing a DQ for that match, and thus also costing Cena a 

title win. 

Now much like last weeks return of the Rock this is of course to try and boost the ratings, but as far as what 

Flairs part will be. I feel that he will help his buddy Triple H and the Authority in some kind of way. He just 

plays the villain role so well, and I for one would love to see him assist the Authority. Of course he can't do 

much nowadays, but at least lets see some of his signature moves like a low blow, eye rake or even the 

Figure four leg lock.  

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