

Brock taking time off after Summerslam.

Brock Lesnar is set to go up against current rival Cm Punk this Sunday at Summerslam. This will be his last match of the year until beginnning of next year when he returns to build a match up for Mania.Will he defeat Cm Punk and be known as the Beast and the Best?

All right In one corner you have one of the strongest guys that WWE has ever seen. He has taken on some of WWE's top guys i the past from Rock, Taker, and Austin to HHH , Cena and Hulk Hogan. This Sunday he takes on another one of WWE's top guys Cm Punk. Punk has a similar style to Lesnar. Both guys having that MMA background its gonna be a interesting match up. This is actually a dream match up for myself since seeing Punk come into WWE.

If there was actually a rematch between these two which I doubt that will happen anytime soon I would like to see it a Submission match or Cage just to give it more of that UFC feel to it.

AS far as the ending goes I see that Lesnar will walk out the winner. Because theres too many wildcards in this match. You have Heymen and Curtis in the corner of Brock if Brock wasn't enough to worry about.

It would have to be a miracle win for Punk to win this one. -For HHH referring the Cena vs Bryan match doesn't make sense to me. It would have made more sense if he referred this match seeing in how he had feuded with Lesnar last and lost his last match to Lesnar and that he will be as a aid to Punk.

Brock will have a huge match on his return whether its with Rock or Undertaker. I can't wait for his return. Its gonna be epic.

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