The winner of the match really doesn't matter for me but I would say Brock wins just because HHH doesn't wrestle much anymore and this will be away to ride him off TV for awhile.
I for one believe its smart to have one last match with these two guys because of their 1-1 record against each other and that's how I believe true wrestling fans should want it.
For the future of both guys I have no idea what they would do with Triple H. Maybe he'll do a match with one of the younger guys like Ryback or Big E just to help them get more heat from the crowd. As for Brock there's rumors going around that he could be feuding with the Rock once the time is right between now and next years Mania. I would for one love to see this match and it will get huge buys because of their backgrounds with Rock being a Hollywood guy and Brock a former UFC guy it would be a huge selling match. It would probably get more people from outside wrestling to tune it which is more money for Vince. I was also a big fan of their match at Summerslam in 2002 when Brock defeated Rock for his first WWE title.
Before that happens I think Brock will also have a match at Summerslam against one of the two guys Randy Orton or Cm Punk. With Ranyd Orton it was something they talked about last year, but didn't do and could possibly do this year because it sounded like a great concept having the youngest World Champ in history against the youngest WWE Champ in history, and both guys being former OVW guys it wil make it more interesting. I remember one of Ortons first WWE title matches was against Brock in which he played the jobber role at the time.
As for a Cm Punk it will be the obvious them not wanting to share Paul Heymen with each other so they feud over who keeps Heymen as manager. And this willl cause for one of the guys I'm guessing Punk to turn back to a good guy. And this will be a first time match . And Brock would probably actually have a match with Cm Punk actually having a MMA style of wrestling also. I would like to see a submission cage match between the two that would be a huge seller for me.
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