


Last Monday on Raw Chris Jericho hosted Paul Heymen on the Highlight Reel. In which Jericho challenged Cm Punk to a match at the next PPV which is called Payback which will also be in Punk's hometown of Chicago. Will Punk accept ? 

Reports coming in about the event shows that Cm Punk is already being advertised for this event. So its most likely to happen. If Punk is as dedicated to the business as I think he is then he will try his best to be at the event to wrestle even if he's not 100%.

First off a great start to help build up the return for Punk with Heymen and Jericho going at it on the mic on Highlight Reel. They are both experts on the mic. Heymen trying to be professional, and Jericho throwing in insults and jokes towards Punk and Heymen. I was actually hoping to see Jericho use the Walls of Jericho or Code Breaker on Heymen, but it was still great without.

Now for the match itself I truly believe it will be the match of the night . These two Jericho and Punk always have great matches together. The match from Wrestlemania 28 was awesome and I think that this match has the making to be just as great. I think Punk should wait for the PPV to make the return. When his music hits mark my words the crowd will  mark out like crazy.

And I pick Cm Punk to win this match.

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